Practice Medicine Full Circle for Palisades Primary Care Doctor   

Practice Medicine Full Circle for Palisades Primary Care Doctor

Olufunke Olushoga, M.D.

Growing up in Nigeria, where malaria is highly common, Olufunke Olushoga, M.D., spent a lot of time in hospitals. But even as a young girl, she didn’t find the sterile environment intimidating. Instead, these encounters fueled her interest in science and shaped a career that in early 2022 brought her to Palisades Medical Center as a primary care physician.

“I found hospitals exciting and intriguing, and I felt the doctors looked regal in their white coats,” says Dr. Olushoga, who has practiced medicine for 11 years. “When I played with my friends, I was always the doctor and they were my patients.”

After living in three countries, including the United Kingdom during medical school, Dr. Olushoga relishes home life with her husband and two small daughters. The 36-year-old’s time is consumed by her current professional and personal pursuits, but she ponders the possibility of one day opening a restaurant or writing a cookbook.

What made you choose primary care internal medicine instead of pursuing another specialty?

Continuity of care is important to me, and I love being able to follow up with my patients. Often, they confide in me and realize I’m not just a doctor, but someone who can understand what they’re dealing with outside of their medical issues. I tell them that when I take off my white coat, I have problems just like theirs. 

What has living in three different countries impressed upon you?

It’s definitely given me a unique perspective and sometimes helps me break the ice. Practicing in Hoboken, New Jersey, I have a lot of diverse patients from many countries, and my background helps me connect with people and build rapport. I have a better understanding of different cultures, which gives me a good world perspective.

What do you like to do during your off-hours?

I love to entertain. From cooking the meal to setting the table to having my friends over, it relaxes me. The kids are playing, the girls are chatting—I just like having people around and having a good time together.

If you could have dinner with a celebrity, past or present, who would it be and why?

President Obama, because I like having intellectual conversations. I’d have his wife Michelle come, too. I’d love to talk about what someone like him, of African descent, experienced when he went back to visit Kenya. Did it live up to his expectations?

Next Steps & Resources:

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.



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