Family Medicine Doctor Rajney Bais, M.D., Balances Patient Care with Creative Pursuits   

Family Medicine Doctor Rajney Bais, M.D., Balances Patient Care with Creative Pursuits

Rajney “Monica” Bais, M.D.

Witnessing her mother claw her way back to health after two major accidents and accomplish a long-deferred dream of attending medical school inspired Rajney “Monica” Bais, M.D., to make a difference in others’ lives from the time she was a young girl.

Dr. Bais, an internal medicine physician at the new Health and Wellness Center in Eatontown, now finds great fulfillment in solving her patients’ medical problems and guiding them toward healthy habits. The high-energy mother of two also finds time for regular runs with her golden retriever Leia—she plans to participate in a second marathon next year—as well as a bevy of creative hobbies. But shepherding generations of patients through challenges scratches her steady itch to problem-solve.

“I’m one who gets bored easily, and I like being able to treat conditions ranging from head to toe,” says Dr. Bais, who’s been practicing since 1997 and joined Hackensack Meridian Health in 2011. “I like the variety.” 

What health questions do your patients ask most often?

How to lose weight. Obesity is the number one disease in the United States, and it’s not adequately addressed because people are afraid to talk about it. I’m a vegetarian who enjoys making healthy meals for my family, and most of my patients know I’m big on fitness, nutrition, sleep and preventing the disease before it happens.

You have an eclectic mix of hobbies, including photography, sketching, interior design and piano-playing. How do these activities lend balance to your life?

My husband tells me he’s never seen someone else who’s constantly trying to create something beautiful in their head all the time. It’s cathartic for me. When I take pictures, I like to find a different angle or a new setting. The same with interior design—my notebook is filled with designs and sketches. Piano is fun because I escape in the music. The scientist in me is always working as a doctor, but this is my break from everything. 

If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would you choose and why?

My three idols: Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Onassis and Princess Diana. All were glamorous and fashionable, but behind the scenes, they were all very loving mothers and charitable, altruistic people. And all had their own adversities and insecurities, which is true of most of us. I would want to find out what made them so strong.

Next Steps & Resources:

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