Doctor Spotlight Michelle Lomotan   

Michelle Lomotan, M.D., Enjoys Solving Problems—in Medicine and in Board Games

Michelle Lomotan, M.D.

For Michelle Lomotan, M.D., health care is a family business. Her mom, a nurse, inspired her to become a doctor.

“I’ve always wanted to be as caring and wonderful as my mom. She’s my hero,” says Dr. Lomotan, an internal medicine doctor at JFK University Medical Center. “Watching her take care of people and put smiles on their faces made me want to be in a profession where I can help people and make their lives better.”

But medicine isn’t just about giving care. Also, it’s about finding solutions. “The investigative side of medicine really appeals to me,” Dr. Lomotan says. “When somebody comes to see you, they have a problem. I like putting the pieces together to figure out what’s wrong. It’s like being a detective. You don’t always get answers, but you can solve a lot of problems, which is really rewarding.”

When she isn’t solving problems as a doctor, Dr. Lomotan is solving them in board games, one of her favorite pastimes along with cooking.

You’re passionate about healthy eating. What’s your best diet advice?

For a well-balanced diet, people should use the healthy plate method, which is dividing your plate into one big section and two little sections. The big section should be fruits and vegetables. Carbs should go in one of the small sections, and protein should go in the other.

You’re an avid cook. Who’s your favorite chef?

Julia Child. I got into cooking in college because I didn’t have my mom around to cook for me. I wanted to learn how to cook, and Julia Child came up a lot in reruns on the Food Network. I like her style, which is very homey. She’s kind of like a grandmother figure. You feel like you’ve known her for a long time. I really like her beef bourguignon because it’s easy to make and it’s always delicious.

Why did you choose to specialize in treating geriatric patients and patients with type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes affects so many people in the U.S. because of our diet and lifestyle. My father was diagnosed with it when I was in college, so that got me interested in helping people live healthier lives. As for geriatrics, I just really like interacting with older people. They have so much history to share and so many lessons to teach us.

Where did your interest in board games come from, and what are your favorite games?

Board games are another thing I picked up in college. They’re a great way to get to know people because everyone goes into games with a different thought process and strategy. I really like games where you can work together, because I think those are more interesting than competitive games. My favorite is Pandemic, which is a team-based game where you’re trying to prevent a worldwide pandemic. It’s really fun, although it’s a little hard to play now because it feels so real.

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The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.

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