How Marcus Conquered His Weight Loss Goals   

How Marcus Conquered His Weight Loss Goals

Marcus Montgomery

A firsthand account by Marcus Montgomery of Hackensack, New Jersey:

At the start of 2020, I told myself that I wanted to get back down to my “Zumba weight.” In 2012, I had lost 48 pounds by doing Zumba and got down to 205 pounds. I felt great and wanted to feel that way again.

When COVID hit in March of 2020, I weighed 230 pounds, but was enrolled in an intense group fitness class and was watching the weight drop.

The only problem was that the gym eventually closed because of COVID, and I didn’t have any weights to workout with at home, so I relied on other things, like doing pushups and walking. I was working out at home as much as possible, but over time that 230 pounds went up to an all-time high of 262 pounds.

Making Changes that Stick

I needed to get my life under control. I tried doing what I knew would work to help me lose weight, but I wasn’t successful. At this point, I felt I was basically fighting for my life and that is when I decided I need to reach out and seek Nutrition Counseling.

All and all, I am glad things happened the way they did. The reason I say that is because Eileen Baker (Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist at Hackensack University Medical Center) was absolutely amazing and she was exactly the support I needed. Her energy just drew me in and I felt like I could finally conquer this challenge and lose the weight.

Since working with Eileen, I have made it a point to spread the word about how helpful and inspiring she was to me. With her help, I lost 13 pounds in four weeks. There is nothing better than when you trust the process and see the results.

A New Routine

My current nutrition and workout plan includes eating balanced meals that are portion-controlled, waking up at 6 a.m. to do HIIT training and other cardio workouts like walking or running. I also started tracking my steps and I have been aiming for 8k to 10k steps per day.

To anyone reading this story, I want you to know that you can do anything if you truly want it. There is always time; it is just what you’re willing to spend it on and what you’re willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals.

Next Steps and Resources

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.


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